“We seek to sow life in the child rather than theories—to help him in his growth, mental and emotional, as well as physical—and for that we must offer grand and lofty ideas of the human world.”
– Maria Montessori

Children aged two and a half to four years old are taught to work independently, take care of their needs, and develop a good self-image. We respect children’s “sensitive periods” and have different expectations for each of them. They are free to move around the room. Activities have no time limits. Individualized learning and large group experiences occur naturally in this setting. Our activities nourish self-confidence, concentration, cooperation, and respect for others. This applies to all areas of learning, including Practical Life, Sensorial Exercises, Mathematics, and Language Development. Lessons in history, geometry, biology, geology, geography, art, music, and literature are integrated into the classroom.

The multi-sensory approach guides the organization of experiences and impressions. Children learn phonics, mathematical concepts, geographical relationships, and scientific information by manipulating objects and real-life materials.
Should you need more about the specifics of our programs, please send us a message.