Tips to Promote Healthy Nutrition in Children

Your child’s health and nutrition are crucial for their early growth and development. Having excellent health and good nutrition will be able to help your child develop a strong mind and body to conquer challenges at home and even in a classroom environment.

As a high-quality provider of preschool care in Ontario, we will be more than happy to share with you a few useful tips to help your child achieve and maintain good nutrition. Here are some things you can do:

  • Set a good example.

    You can best encourage healthy eating by eating well yourself. Kids will follow the example of the adults they see daily. You will be sending the right message if you eat fruits and vegetables and avoid less nutritious foods.

  • Have regular family meals.

    Both parents and children find comfort in family meals. Children enjoy the predictability of family meals, and parents benefit from the opportunity to catch up with their children and listen to their stories.

  • Serve a variety of healthy snacks and foods.

    Kids, particularly younger ones, will eat primarily what is available at home. That is why it is critical to keep control of the foods you serve for meals and snacks.

Castlemore Montessori is a high-quality provider of Montessori in Brampton, Ontario. We will be able to offer practical learning opportunities for your children so that they will have a fun and enjoyable learning experience.

We can offer a wide range of programs, including before and after school, infant care, Casa, Pre-Casa, and more.

We also offer toddler care at our school. Contact us today at 647-367-1663 for more information.

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